Managing Large Security Installations for Your School District in 2020

Learn how SiteOwl can help you get most out of your security investment.

Security is Complicated

The 5 Key Areas to Installation Success
Robust Systems

In order to fully protect students, faculty, and staff, school security systems need to provide a wide range of visibility and functionality.

The 5 Key Areas to Installation Success
More Devices

Large systems are comprised of thousands of connected devices that must be monitored, managed, and maintained.

The 5 Key Areas to Installation Success

Greater Expectations

Students, parents, and faculty expect your security system to keep them safe from a growing number of threats while on campus grounds.


Installation Risk

Did you know that over 80% of the funds raised by a school are dedicated to installing your security project?

SiteOwl can help you reduce the risk of budget overruns by providing the tools you need to design, install, and manage your security infrastructure during and after the installation process is complete.



Your Investments

SiteOwl helps you maintain your security system so that you’re getting the most out of your investment.

Safeguard your system against poor installation practices and ensure that your equipment is properly maintained to term.

Security professionals use SiteOwl to build, manage and maintain complex security systems with ease
